Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a Bad credit score?

Anything below 670 is considered poor or only fair credit. Improve your score, by signing up today. SIGNUP NOW

How low can my credit score go and how can my credit score go?

Credit scores range from 300 – 850 Get signed up today. SIGNUP NOW

What actions hurt my credit

Your credit can be brought down a lot faster than it can be brought up, so it might

help to review these things that can hurt your credit:

– Not paying bills on time

– Filing for bankruptcy or foreclosure

– Applying for too many credit accounts

– Carrying high balances on your credit cards

– Ignoring questionable negative items on you report

What is my FICA score?

Your FICO® Score is a three-digit number determined by the information on your credit report. While FICO® doesn’t collect the data themselves, it’s their algorithm that determines your score. Considering their score is used in 90% of

all lending decisions, it’s very helpful to know where you stand.

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